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About us

Shandong Changqing Peroleum Hydraulic Machinery Co.,ltd.

Founded in 2001, located in Qingzhou, a beautiful city, Shandong Changqing Peroleum Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd., with the pace of petroleum industry repidly rising up and Qingzhou machinery industry flourishing, has capacity of annual products, 150 well drilling pumps and 30000 hydraulic pumps, by introducing advanced technology, facilities and qualified technicians, and now has become one of the main domestic enterprises which make machineries and accessories used in petroleum,mines,metallurgy and engineering.Our company was approved by the relative quality system attestation of ISO 9001:2000. One of the designers and experts of drilling pumps in 3NB lines, Mr.Lv Chengfa, senior engineer, enjoying special financial allowance from the State council,is now chief engineer of our company.

  • 1992Founded in 1992
  • 88 major product series
  • 100010 million registered capital
  • 365365 days after sales service
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